What to bring:

  • Food & treats: We do not provide food for our guests. Please provide enough of your dog’s normal food to last for their entire visit plus a couple of extra meals just in case you are delayed in picking up your dog for any reason. We can feed your dog up to 3 times a day. Bowls for food and water are provided so there is no need to bring bowls (if your dog uses a slow feeder, you are welcome to bring it). Please do not send any food or treats that your dog is not accustomed to eating as they could cause digestive upset.

  • Please prepare food into individual meals in order to help ensure accurate feeding amounts for your dog. Food can be divided up into individual meals using ziplock bags or small tupperware containers. 

  • Medications & supplements: We can administer any medications and supplements your dog currently takes during their stay. The details for these will be confirmed during the check-in process.

  • Bedding: We provide our guests with cot style beds on which to sleep and relax. For this reason, we do not accept beds brought from home. However, we invite you to bring along a favorite blanket for your dog if desired. All blankets must be machine washable. 

  • Toys: Toys are welcome however we request no “squeaky” toys. If your dog is a destroyer, please do not send stuffed toys.

  • Please beware of how much stuff you’re brining for your dog. We have limited space for belongings and need to accommodate many overnighters. Only pack as much as you can fit into on of our Blue Water Pet Care bags per dog. You should be provided with a bag after the first stay, but we are more than happy to replace lost or broken bags, just ask on of our staff members for a new bag at anytime.

  • Please be aware that for dogs that are newer to our facility, the unfamiliar smells and sounds may cause your dog to chew on their blankets or toys, even if they are not usually big chewers. If you are concerned that they may chew up or swallow an item that may cause health problems (upset stomach, vomiting, diarrhea, blockages, etc.), please refrain from packing it.